Thursday, May 13, 2010


The method to do this experiment would be:

1. Collect all the equipment needed for the experiment and with them, build a peripheral protractor as seen below.

2. Begin to draw up shapes, in a variety of colours and attach it to a paddle pop stick.
3. Record exactly what shapes are made and what colours are used in a table.
4. Using the cup as seen above, hold it like a handle and close to your nose so all you see it the flat surface of the protractor in front of you.
5. Get a volunteer (the same person will be used during the whole experiment) to hold up the first shape and starting at 0 degrees begin to walk towards the centre of the protractor until you are able to detect the shape in your peripheral vision.Make sure the person holding the protractor is facing straight and not looking at the corner of their eyes for the shape the volunteer is holding.
6. Record the exact angle at which you first saw the shape in your table.
7. Get the same volunteer to repeat 5 again until this time, you are able to see the colour instead.
8. Repeat steps 5-7 again with several more shapes of different colours.
9. Trial steps 5-7 with different sized shapes & as well, in dimmer or brighter light.
10. Records the observations of which shape & colour was seen more quicker and record it in a table.
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