Sunday, April 18, 2010

more on!..srp? :D

So peripheral vision is the vision that is able to view objects or individuals which aren't directly in front of us. Researching abit I found from this website
I found some interesting things like, how it is more sensitive to dimmer objects since rods dominate, this will definitely affect the experiment since I'll be testing different colours. Also that it detects motion better. :D interesting .. I'll probably find out that the larger objects will be more easily noticed in my vision, seeing from this website here
Most of the equipments or objects I need I already have at home.

But the things I need to buy would be:
- stiff material (cardboard, poster material?)
- a push pin.
- disposable cup. (plastic or foam)
- Popsicle sticks.


Hello everyone its been awhile == I swear I spent hours doing this grap on paint :( cause I dont know how to use photoshop properly T.T well anyways heres my awesomest work :DDD
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